The Avestan horoscope is based on the 32-year cycle of Saturn, the planet that in astrology symbolizes the inner core. That is why this horoscope reflects the inner essence of a person, the very core of his personality. Zoroastrian mythology was used as the basis for the creation of many totemic horoscopes, the most famous of which is the 32-cycle Zoroastrian horoscope.

The totem, according to Zoroastrian priests, has great power over a person, those who live in harmony with it will be successful and happy. And if a person resembles his totem according to the characteristics listed below, he will be particularly successful in life. It is important to know that each totemic year begins on March 21, at the minute of the first sunrise in the sign of Aries. That is, those born from January 1 to March 20 are protected by the totems of the previous year.

Year of Deer

(1906, 1938, 1970, 2002)

Symbolism of the sign: rise, higher power; rejuvenation, rebirth, passage of time. The traits that this sign gives people: toughness and long legs; aristocracy, taciturnity. These people are impetuous and proud, feel marked by fate and are usually lonely. They are often dissatisfied with what they have already achieved, and this pushes them to create something new.

The totem of Elena rewards its representatives with the gift not only of seeing evil, but also of denouncing and fighting it. People born in the year of Elena are capable of leading others and inspiring them to heroic deeds. They can do a lot unless they start to doubt their abilities and look back. Elena’s year is usually particularly successful for representatives of this sign.

During this period, important changes occur in their fate – fateful meetings, finding love, happiness, as well as material success. If a person from the year of Elena begins to gain weight and warts appear on his body, this means that the antitotem has manifested itself in him – the wart frog. The antitotem carries dangerous tendencies – to oppress others, to be always dissatisfied with something, nagging, envious. The frog carries such traits as arrogance, impudence, misappropriation of other people’s merits, and lust for power.

Year of the Aries

(1907, 1939, 1971, 2003)

Symbolism of the sign: hardness, persistence, inflexibility. People born in this year, as a rule, have curly hair, slightly bulging eyes and front teeth slightly pushed forward. Those born under the sign of Aries are believed to be under the protection of their ancestors. People with an Aries totem do not imagine themselves outside of tribal, family, or national traditions. The ancestors protect these people, and the family is sacred and unshakable. These are calm and obedient, even submissive people, they cannot live without a team and can achieve success only by being among people.

Antitotem – Goat, complete opposite of Aries. The characteristics of the antitotem can be manifested in the fact that a person does not respect his traditions and roots at all, he is like a person who does not remember his lineage, family means nothing to him, he does not respect both the memory of the deceased and people and the relatives living next to him, considering only himself worthy of respect. He considers those around him to be a stupid herd and mocks them.

Year of the Mongoose

(1908, 1940, 1972, 2004)

Symbolism of the sign: constancy, fidelity, speed, the ability to immediately navigate in any situation. The Year of the Mongoose is a year of self-sacrifice and better aspirations, symbolizing eternal life conquering death. The totem requires from people born under its influence the ability to immediately react to any changes, as well as to be unexpected and unpredictable, but at the same time open and frank. Those born in this year must maintain creativity in themselves and those around them and be ready at any moment to enter into battle with evil to destroy it.

A person born in the year of the Mongoose is endowed with such external characteristics as fineness, mobility of joints, a light, dancing gait and agility. If a person possesses these qualities, this is a favorable sign, which means that he fully corresponds to the totem and, accordingly, is able to fulfill his destiny. The antitotem of the year is Por. If a person becomes clumsy, stupid, but at the same time insidious and deceitful, this means that the antitotem has come into force and there is a danger of personality degradation and failure to fulfill the intended.

Year of the Wolf

(1909, 1941, 1973, 2005)

Symbolism of the sign: the power of a volcano and a mighty fire, bestowing the worthy man with victory over the elements. The year of the Wolf usually gives people born during this period a solid, athletic figure and a powerful neck. If a person possesses these traits, it is an auspicious sign. People born in the year of the Wolf are very active, love extreme conditions, are brave and are not afraid of danger. These are people of honor, tireless travelers who do not like to sit in one place and are very mobile.

Antitotem – Jackal. Associated with the need to break and destroy everything around, brazenly mock and annoy others. A person who has the features of the antitotem can also get great strength and power, but at the same time he is incredibly bitter, cowardly and does not use this power for good. It should be noted that the Wolf is constantly fighting, and therefore the years of the Wolf can be full of wars, struggles, intrigues and betrayals.

Year of the Stork

(1910, 1942, 1974, 2006)

Symbolism of the sign: longevity, immortality, dignity, vigilance (sensitivity), care for loved ones. If a person born in the year of the Stork is thin, pensive, has a slightly elongated face and long legs – this is a favorable sign. The stork is a wanderer by nature, but at the same time it is very attached to its family and friends, after its wanderings it invariably returns to its native land. Such people are often melancholic and pensive, they are loners, used to relying only on their own strength. It is often difficult for them to adapt to society, they seem to bear the stamp of a lack of recognition. At the same time, they often have the ability to predict the future, have such insights that are not given to other people.

A person born in the year of the Stork is monogamous: if he falls in love, then this feeling will most likely stay with him forever. The antitotem of the stork is the Woodpecker. His traits are flowery talk, excessive use of parasitic words in speech, dislike and even a certain contempt for his home. Where the Woodpecker appears, there are invariably quarrels, disputes and quarrels. In love, the Woodpecker often changes partners. External signs of a person with antitotem traits are a blurred face, short legs, impaired coordination. In the year of the Stork, insights and sharpening of intuition, strengthening the gift of foresight are possible.

Year of the Spider

(1911, 1943, 1975, 2007)

Symbolism of the sign: absolute, eight legs – the eight cardinal directions of the world, the web is a symbol of the universe. If a person born in the year of the Spider has long arms and strong fingers, knows how to sew, knit, spin, etc., this is a favorable sign. People with the Spider totem are usually quiet and modest. They like to create all kinds of groups and associations – as if to “weave” their “web”. They are not fast, but they are purposeful, they slowly but surely go to their goal, they know how to catch what they need and keep it.

The spider is an informal leader, able to lead people and stop the attempts of detractors to interfere with him. The spider totem is associated with knowledge, dispelling the darkness of ignorance. Antitotem – Tarantula: – gives a person traits like clumsiness, inability to do anything with his hands, behaves defiantly and spends his energy on disunity and separation of people. The year of the spider is a year of finding harmony and higher meaning.

Year of the snake

(1912, 1944, 1976, 2008)

The symbolism of the sign is based on contrasts – awe and disgust. A person born in the year of the Snake is lean, flexible, agile and has deep-set eyes. These characteristics indicate a pronounced totem and are considered auspicious signs. Like a snake, such a person has a hypnotic gaze. These are people with a sharp mind – mystics with well-developed intuition. The secret and the hidden are more important to them than the external and the obvious. They are not talkative, very devoted and faithful people.

Antitotem – Viper. Gives a person such traits as languor, rolling eyes, perhaps a slight grimace. The highest goal of the year of the Snake is cleansing from karma and mastering the secrets of world harmony. Often in the year of the Snake, something that once happened is repeated or comes again, everything returns to its place. It is not by chance that there is such a symbol – a snake biting its own tail.

Year of the Beaver

(1913, 1945, 1977, 2009)

Symbolism of the sign: family, wisdom, self-sacrifice. The totem gives traits such as a solid physique and voluminous thighs. People born in the year of the Beaver are usually neat, hardworking, zealous and hospitable hosts who are constantly busy with something. They are firm in their convictions, optimists, adore home, family, children and do everything to create beauty and coziness.

They like to tinker, improve, repair – in a word, do something with their own hands. Antitotem – Nutria. It manifests itself if a person does not value his family, becomes careless, easily changes opinions and beliefs, abandons his children or does not take care of them. The year of the Beaver is a year of law-making, beauty and harmony. This is the year of love conquering hate.

Year of the Turtle

(1914, 1946, 1978, 2010)

Symbolism of the sign: water element, winter, northern regions, the black color of primordial chaos, black warrior – strength, endurance, longevity. It is considered a good omen if a person born in the year of the Turtle has thick skin with several alternating dark spots on the back (shell-like). Turtles are quite secretive, slow and self-confident. They go through life on well-trodden paths and at the same time carry many parasites on their backs. A person born in the year of the Turtle has an excellent memory, always has a goal, towards which he moves slowly but surely.

Antitotem – Snail. It manifests itself in the fact that a person does not seem to have a “shell”, at the same time nervousness, excitability, a desire to protect himself from the outside world with the help of a mask appears. Such a person is very dependent on others, easily falls under their influence and is unable to take care of himself. The purpose of the year of the Turtle is to be in complete harmony with nature, to understand the structure of the universe and to gain wisdom.

Year of the Magpie

(1915, 1947, 1979, 2011)

Symbolism of the sign: luck, good news. If a person is dexterous, agile, with logical thinking and periodically changes the color of his hair, it means that the Magpie totem has manifested itself. People born in the year of the Magpie are resourceful, quick, know how to do several things at the same time, talkative, but do not mince words (however, it is not recommended to throw their words to the wind), a little cunning. Thanks to these qualities, they are able to unravel complex intrigues, immediately understand a situation and influence events in such a way as to combine the necessary circumstances for themselves.

Antitotem – Black Crow. People with a pronounced antitotem are characterized by a tangled language, speech defects are possible. They are too talkative, absolutely not to be trusted: they will immediately reveal any secret to the “whole world”. Among other things, such people are a little slow – they have an inhibited reaction and it is difficult for them to switch from one thing to another. The year of the Magpie is favorable not only for the people whose totem it is, but also for the Deer. Life returns to normal during this period, and people associated with these signs should pay attention to members of the opposite sex – a successful marriage is possible.

Year of the Squirrel

(1916, 1948, 1980, 2012)

Symbolism of the sign: intelligence. People with manifested features of the Squirrel totem are thin, lively, active, with small faces and mobile eyes. They are smart and agile, homemakers, very capable of work and strive to create a family. Their character is nervous, sudden changes in mood are possible. Squirrels are not afraid of death, considering it only a transition to another world, a transformation. Squirrels are very conservative in their affection.

The antitotem – Rat – manifests itself in such traits as pettiness, slowness, fear of death. Outwardly, a person with a manifested antitotem may be plump, with bulging eyes. The year of the Squirrel is usually full of problems of a different nature. The more people hustle and bustle, the worse it gets. Running away from problems, they only return to them with even greater speed. Therefore, during this period we should not “spin like a squirrel in a wheel”, this is the year in which evil appears under the guise of good, a time of increasing deception, recognition and detection of crimes.

Year of the Raven

(1917, 1949, 1981, 2013)

Symbolism of the sign: in mythology it is often interpreted negatively due to its changeability. People born in the year of the Raven are serious and even strict and behave at a distance. The raven endows them with a persistent look, a long stride and a certain stoop. The raven is not inclined to command, but also to obey. Starts a family late, if at all. But even marriage and life with a loved one does not save him from the feeling of endless loneliness.

He never lives at the expense of others, he is a little mean and clean. The highest purpose of the Raven is prophecy. Antitotem – Papunyak. It gives a person such traits as opportunism, bribery of superiors and problems in the family. A person with a manifested antitotem is able to live on alms, to be kind, to please and not to get out of debt. The year of the Raven is characterized by injustice, persecution, epidemics and rejection.

Year of the Rooster

(1918, 1950, 1982, 2014)

Symbolism of the sign: glory, excellence, courage, vigilance, dawn, fighting laziness. The external features of people born in the year of the Rooster are a mobile face, a lively expressive face and frequent blushing. The Rooster is always full of plans, easy-going, loves to show off (especially hats) – he likes when people pay attention to him. The Rooster endows people born during this period with frankness and fearlessness, they are warriors who tend to burn bridges behind them.

Despite the fact that the Rooster, as a rule, leads a rather active lifestyle and is often in society, he cannot imagine his life without family and children. He may give up the business he has started, but he will never miss something profitable. The antitotem of the Rooster is the Quail. Characterized by very pale, unnaturally colored skin. The expressed qualities of the antitotem are cowardice, helplessness, senseless cruelty, hatred of all authority. The Year of the Rooster is a time of revelations, but not of retribution.

Year of the Ox

(1919, 1951, 1983, 2015)

Symbolism of the sign: a powerful creative force pouring out upon the earth. People with the manifested Ox totem are quite guarded and somewhat passive. These are very kind and selfless, gentle, patient people. They need care in order to achieve something, and in their kindness and trustworthiness they resemble children. A person born in the year of the Ox helps others in any way, those born under this sign often have the ability to heal others.

The ox is sensitive and vulnerable, it is easy to offend, humiliate and hurt him. But at the same time, he will protect his loved ones, children, as well as his beliefs to the last drop of blood. Antitotem

  • Moose. It manifests itself through such traits as aggressiveness, stubbornness, nervousness, lack of humility and a desire to get one’s way at any cost. Such people are usually very weak. The year of the Ox is a time of peace when one must pay off one’s debts, work hard and be ready to obey.

Year of the Badger

(1920, 1952, 1984, 2016)

Symbolism of the sign: greed. A person with manifested features of the totem is of average height, with a rather solid figure, slightly prone to overweight, his face is pointed, and his eyes are elongated. A person born in the year of the Badger is a zealous owner, he is thrifty, practical and efficient. From his appearance and actions, you can never guess what he is doing at the moment.

He is quite secretive, and even the people closest to him often do not know about the main business in his life. Badgers always live in memories and are very conservative, their distinguishing feature is the ability for logic and mathematics, the gift of a researcher and psychologist. The antitotem of the Badger is the Mole. It gives a person such traits as carelessness, frivolity, greed, lasciviousness, malice. This is an unreliable person who does not believe in anything and hates others. The year of the Badger is associated with memories of the past, with warehouses, funds, banks, the heavy burden of memories. The year is considered strong and stable.

Year of the Camel

(1921, 1953, 1985, 2017)

Symbolism of the sign: the highest embodiment of moderation and sobriety. The totem gives a person endurance and the ability to be satisfied with little. Usually, the Camel has practically nothing, but what she has, she guards like the apple of her eye. This is a man of action who does not waste time with empty talk. A person born in the year of the Camel never hides his attitude towards people, he is quite harsh and distrustful, always expects the worst (that’s why he “spits”). Also, the more the Camel loves a person, the more she mocks him.

The camel knows its own worth and achieves everything on its own, this is a reliable and hardworking person who hides his extremely serious attitude to life under the mask of mockery. He is ready to forgive a lot to his relatives, his wife and children. She tries to teach her children to be independent as early as possible. Antitotem – Hyena. Healthy cynicism is foreign to the Hyena, she is characterized by flattery and a desire to live for her own pleasure. The Year of the Camel is a time of work and care for all whose totems are herbivores. However, they must remember that all their work will be rewarded.

Year of the Hedgehog

(1922, 1954, 1986, 2018)

Symbolism of the sign: rage, stinginess. Often, a person born in the year of the Hedgehog resembles his totem in appearance – he usually has shaggy hair and a pointed nose. The hedgehog has an excellent memory, especially visual, is meticulous, likes to cling to small things, unpredictable, a little capricious. But he is a devoted and faithful friend who will never leave you in trouble. The hedgehog periodically shakes the world of darkness and even defeats it. Antitotem of the hedgehog – Zemerovka.

She is indiscriminate in relationships and contacts, cowardly, likes to play dirty tricks, while feeling her complete impunity. A person with a pronounced antitotem is capable of betrayal, does not value friendship and willingly puts up with lies. Externally, it is elegant and neat. The Year of the Hedgehog is a time of grace, unpredictability and freedom. In such a year, you may encounter all kinds of surprises.

Year of the Roe

(1923, 1955, 1987, 2019)

Symbolism of the sign: female nature. The totem gives people such external features as an elegant figure, grace, light gait, refined manners and, as a rule, very beautiful, mirror-like eyes. People born in the year of the Roe are characterized by aristocracy and artistry, they are very sensitive natures and at the same time somewhat capricious. They have a penchant for art and creativity. Incorrigible romantics, they often lack a reasonable view of the world.

Antitotem – Cow (or Goat). It manifests itself in excessive rationality, rudeness and a sedentary lifestyle. Unlike the totem, they have a slightly rounded, full figure, but they do not know how to dress and often with the help of their outfits only emphasize the flaws of their figure. For women born in the year of the doe, the influence of the totem and antitotem is especially noticeable. The Year of the Doe is characterized by a search for a higher meaning, harmony and beauty, a manifestation of the maternal principle and at the same time a test of decency.

Year of the Elephant

(1924, 1956, 1988, 2020)

Symbolism of the sign: strength, patience, wisdom, marital fidelity, longevity, prosperity, happiness. A person born in the year of the Elephant is large, massive, with large and massive legs, a long nose and short ears. His figure seems unshakable. He’s just as steadfast on the inside – it’s hard to make him angry. However, if one succeeds, then it will not be good for those around him, because the Elephant is very difficult to stop. He possesses remarkable strength, both physical and spiritual. Being conservative by nature, he is still able to ignore conventions if necessary.

The elephant is the guardian of foundations, traditions, hearth, head of the family and its support. Slow but very persistent, values cooperation with other people. But despite all his merits, he is often not sure of himself and therefore may miss the chance presented in life. Antitotem – Anteater. Those with antitotemic traits are nervous, talkative, extremely unreliable, often lie, and appear stunted and tortured. This year is associated with special strength, stability and seriousness. Things started in the Year of the Elephant will be continued in the future.

Year of the Horse

(1925, 1957, 1989, 2021)

Symbolism of the sign: endurance and justice. The pronounced features of the totem are an athletic physique, a proud posture, large teeth, coarse hair and beautiful eyes that can charm the interlocutor. The horse is honest and brave, loves space and nature, travel and sports. A person born in the year of the Horse always stands on the guard of order and justice, achieves everything by himself (they say about such people – that they forge their own happiness), without relying on anyone, he can swim against the current, but shows the strength you are only in a circle of like-minded people.

The antitotem of the Horse is Kathar. Gives such traits as selectiveness, laziness and cowardice. Weak legs and rotten teeth are external manifestations of the antitotem in man. The Year of the Horse is associated with oaths and contracts, as well as with just retribution.

Year of the Cheetah

(1926, 1958, 1990, 2022)

Symbolism of the sign: speed, ferocity, prowess, aggressiveness and strength. The totem gives a person intelligence, slenderness, feline grace, remarkable strength and dexterity, and a hard gaze. A person with a pronounced Cheetah totem prefers to see danger in advance than to get into an unpleasant situation and always calculates his actions several steps ahead. However, the Cheetah is able to survive in extreme conditions and is not afraid of danger, it is always ready for battle.

Sometimes he may retreat, but only to enter the fight with new strength. He is warlike and aggressive, fearless, even treacherous, but invariably noble and honest. He likes to play and turn everything upside down, he has an indomitable temper. Antitotem of Cheetah – Swamp (reed) cat. It manifests itself in cowardice and weakness, promiscuity. The Year of the Cheetah is a period of wars and revelations, but the year can also give rise to a new political course.

Year of the Peacock

(1927,1959, 1991, 2023)

Symbolism of the sign: immortality, longevity, love, stars, storm. A person with manifested traits of the totem is graceful, prone to narcissism and always confident that he is right. Pauna has great creative potential, which he seeks to reveal in its entirety. As a rule, he has a lot of plans, sometimes completely crazy, which he does not always manage to implement. Discovering more and more new traits in himself each time, the person born in the year of the Peacock surprises others and himself. He is cheerful and versatile, he does not value material values at all, at least they are not in the first place for him.

People born in the year of the Peacock are often disliked because they are too ostentatious. Antitotem – Thrush. Unlike the colorful, bright Peacock, it is gray and gloomy. People with antitotemic traits are usually withdrawn, full of anger and have a sharp, hoarse voice. In the year of the Peacock, you may be haunted by all sorts of seductive and dangerous games. During these years, evil disguises itself, dresses in white clothes and deceives people.

Year of the Swan

(1928, 1960, 1992, 2024)

Symbolism of the sign: peace and tranquility, peaceful life. A person with a manifested Swan totem, as a rule, has a long graceful neck, smooth movements and a lazy look. These are selfless people, not devoid of pride, true to high ideals, prone to self-deepening and meditation. Material wealth means nothing to them, they seem to be out of this world, somewhat detached from reality. People born in the year of the Swan are usually very devoted and loyal friends and partners. They cannot live without close people and love them very much and are attached to them.

Antitotem – Duck, which is characterized by greed and fixation on material problems. People with a manifested antitotem are deceitful, unreliable friends and partners. Loyalty and devotion are completely absent from them. The year of the Swan is a time of spiritual unification of people. The year can be both favorable (and then it promises real miracles, pleasant, amazing surprises) and unfavorable (In such a year there can be many deceptions, intrigues and disruption of plans due to unfulfilled promises).

Year of the Lynx

(1929, 1961, 1993, 2025)

Symbolism of the sign: power, blind power and fury, with the Nightingale totem manifested – the power of beauty and the power of art. People with a manifested Rhys totem are characterized by “cat” behavior. Either peaceful, quiet and calm, or angry and implacable – they are truly unpredictable, like cats. Sometimes they can give the impression of disorganized people (both at home and at work, it is always a mess with them – but they do not forgive others for this), but this impression is deceptive – the Lynx is able to immediately mobilize its forces , if the situation requires it.

The lynx is far-sighted and optimistic, always full of new ideas. Sometimes, under certain conditions, the Nightingale totem appears in people born in the year of the Lion. This is expressed in a noble posture and a wonderful melodious voice. The nightingale has a very developed sense of self-respect, he is strict but peaceful. Antitotem – Mouse. People with a manifested antitotem are characterized by timidity, even cowardice, pettiness, annoyance and helpfulness to the detriment of their interests. The year of the Risa is associated with trials and surprises. During this period, unexpected insights and changes are possible, the hidden becomes apparent.

Year of the Donkey

(1930, 1962, 1994, 2026)

Symbolism of the sign: peace and stability, patience, great inner strength. The totem rewards people born in the year of the Donkey with an elongated face, large ears and slightly protruding teeth. If these signs appear in a person’s appearance, it is considered an auspicious sign. The donkey is incredibly hardworking, very hardy, patient, flexible and balanced. A person born under this sign likes to do everything with his hands, but in order to work, he needs an extra push.

In any situation, he is guided by common sense. People born in the year of the donkey have a strong character. In times of conflict and unrest, the peaceful and modest Donkey becomes passive, aloof and stubborn, does not want to do anything – then approaches the manifested antitotem. Antitotem – Mule. It is cowardly, petty and lustful. In general, the year of the Donkey is quite favorable. This is a period of recovery from crisis, the beginning of abundance.

Year of the Polar Bear

(1931, 1963, 1995, 2027)

Symbolism of the sign: cruelty and harmful influence. The totem endows its wards with a large figure, physical strength and sweeping movements. These people are usually strict, but very good-natured and easygoing. Those born in the year of the Polar Bear love to play and live widely, can be unpredictable, always have many projects that they successfully implement thanks to their organizational skills. There is no meanness in such a person, he does not tolerate betrayal. Antitotem – Brown bear. It manifests itself in annoyance, arrogance and pettiness.

People with a manifested antitotem are carriers of chaos, masquerading as good-natured people, but in fact they are prone to sadism, clingy, corrosive and embittered. The year of the Polar Bear is a time of serious trials for people. During these years, exactly these mistakes are made that are almost impossible to correct, so you need to be on your guard. This period is the time of laying the “foundation” of future events.

Year of the Eagle

(1906, 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028)

Symbolism of the sign: height of spirit, spiritual beginning, Sun, male activity, father. People with a manifested Eagle totem are distinguished by a proud posture, a chiseled profile, a well-trained voice and the ability to behave with dignity in any society. A person born in the year of the Eagle cannot live without a team, he is even ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of a common cause, he has high ideals

He is loved and respected for his famous aristocracy and chivalrous demeanor. In her personal life and in love, Orela behaves like an ascetic. Antitotem – Fly. People with manifested antitotemic traits are envious, vain, unrestrained, impure, gluttonous and very fickle. They often have bulging eyes and thin arms and legs. The year of the Eagle is a time of unification of people, a year of construction, serious plans and projects begin to be implemented.

Year of the Fox

(1901, 1933, 1965, 1997, 2029)

Symbolism of the sign: cunning and deception, subtle and sophisticated mind, mockery and insight. A person with a manifested Fox totem is usually distinguished by sharp facial features and an imposing voice. The face has a sharp mind, which allows it to reveal almost any, even the most complicated intrigues. People born in this year most often have a strange and incredible fate that brings them many surprises and forces them to either rise to unprecedented heights or fall into the deepest abyss. In any case, their fate is very variable – as if they live several lives in one.

A person born in the year of the Fox can be a bit timid, but at the same time incredibly clever and witty. She never gets into trouble, is very prudent and always chooses the right path (while pointing it out to others). Despite his cowardice, the Fox does not tolerate meanness and always punishes miscreants. Antitotem – Weasel. People with a manifested antitotem tend to have a puffy face. They are greedy, cowardly to the point of madness, petty opportunists. In the year of the Fox, a lot depends on chance and small things. This period can be called the year of the lot.

Year of the Dolphin

(1902, 1934, 1966, 1998, 2030)

Symbolism of the sign: salvation. He gives his wards smooth movements, a confident look and the ability to make decisions with lightning speed. People born in the year of Delphine are inspired idealists, wise and clearly distinguishing Light from Darkness, providing help in difficult times (and know how to do this unnoticed). They are devoted to the highest ideals, have a penchant for philosophy and peacemaking. They like to take on the hardest part of the job.

Dignified and mysterious individuals with extraordinary abilities, some of them have access to telepathy – transmission of thoughts from a distance. Antitotem – Karakuda. It manifests itself in vindictiveness and anger. Such people bring with them strife and trouble, sow chaos and confusion, distort the truth, mix honey with tar, evil and good, truth and fiction. You can’t trust them. The year of Delphine is a year of travel, grandiose, far-reaching plans, mysterious phenomena, a year of help and salvation.

Year of the Boar

(1903, 1935, 1967, 1999, 2031)

The symbolism of the sign is mostly positive, although it can symbolize both wildness and the power of demonic forces. People with a manifested Boar totem have an athletic build, a powerful upper body and a large head. Boars have an indomitable character, but at the same time they know how to perfectly obey the power of a higher idea.

They are brave, fearless, determined. A person born in the year of the Boar is always ready to repel the enemy, strives for supremacy and at the same time correctly assesses his strength. In a peaceful environment, the Boar listens to other people’s opinions and is quite tolerant, especially towards close people. The boar is very forgiving to his loved ones and even allows them to sit on his head. Antitotem – Pig. It manifests itself in such qualities as greed, malice, deceit and resourcefulness. The pig always acts exclusively for evil purposes. The Year of the Boar is a time of heightened contradictions and struggle, a tense year.

Year of the Owl

(1904, 1936, 1968, 2000, 2032)

Symbolism of the sign: sometimes deception, loneliness, but more often wisdom. For people with a manifested Owl totem, the path to occult knowledge opens, since their heavenly patron is the Moon. Among such people there are many seers, soothsayers and organizers of secret societies. People born in the year of the Owl live mysteriously and on their own schedule, but no less mysteriously they leave this world. Their activity is always connected with the protection of higher values, although it is difficult for them to do this alone, and their talents are fully manifested only among like-minded people.

These people are very reserved, prone to mysticism and suspicious (especially men). Antitotem – Owl. People with a manifested antitotem are characterized by cowardice, meanness, vindictiveness and weakness. In the year of the Owl, special attention should be paid to the shadow, the hidden side of things, as the influence of dark forces is great.

Year of the Falcon

(1905, 1937, 1969, 2001, 2033)

Symbolism of the sign: inspiration, victory, rise, freedom. The totem endows people born during this period with external beauty, quick and sharp movements. As a rule, they remain slender and have sharp eyesight until old age. People born in the year of the Falcon are people of great flight, preachers and reformers, brave, very proud, obsessed with patriotic ideas, resurrecting lost knowledge. However, they can also be reckless, although they will most likely regret their reckless behavior later. They are capable of much, under wise guidance, but will never tolerate dictation. Their amazing feature is that they can sometimes happily disorganize and ruin something.

Falcons tend to think about death and what they will leave behind. Antitotem – Sparrow. People with a manifested antitotem are noisy, grumpy, fearful, do not attach much importance to love and do not value the past. The year of the Falcon is a year of liberation from accumulated problems and a time of acquiring higher ideals. During this period it is good to plan your future actions.