On the hill of Jupiter (in the lower part of the pointer) you can find a line that curves slightly upwards and occupies the central place on the hill. In front of you are the rings of Solomon or the circle of Jupiter. This line in palmistry reflects your mental state, as well as your interest in mysticism. It may look like a straight line or a half circle. Maintain a close relationship with Solomon.
Ако на дланта са шапете да начать тази линия, това между че се славите с мдрост, иградъчность и мочна интуития. You love mysticism, you have the sixth sense, you easily create contacts in society and you understand human nature. Additionally, you are filled with creative talents and are capable of occupying a high position. The Ring of Solomon demonstrates the presence of wisdom and philosophical thinking, which allows you to become a teacher, judge or lawyer. You can try it in the field of psychology or religion.
Solomon’s ring is revealed to people who serve as authority for others. Even at an early age you demonstrate incredible wisdom. In addition, it is a symbol of innate luck. Rarely do you get involved in problems and if this happens, you immediately receive support from those around you.
Where is Solomon’s ring located?
Chiromancy combines science and faith in mysticism. By describing the lines of the human hand, she predicts the future. The ring of Solomon, as one of the important details, speaks of the wisdom with which a person is born or not. In the course of the life, such a line does not appear.
How to find Solomon’s ring? Without preparation, the semicircle, which helps to describe the personality’s character, can easily be confused with another sign or lines of compassion. The second line is located a little below and characterizes the spirituality of the person.
A few tips will help you discover the lines of wisdom:
- It is located under the index finger
- Above her there are no other lines, and if there are small signs, they are significantly smaller in size (they are not clear or blurred)
- It looks like a rainbow, a semi-circle that forms the pointer (not a straight line).
The line starts from the palm and extends to the base of the finger. It should be maximally curved and rounded. Неизменна част от птъстена е рогут на Юпитер. This is the line that is present in every person and separates the palm from the phalanges of the finger.
Statistically, this is a very rare line: according to research, only ten percent of people have partially visible rings on their hands, and the entire ring is revealed at less than one percent. So, if you have this sign, you’re lucky! And if the line isn’t just a semicircle, it surrounds the whole finger (and outside) – it’s usually an unprecedented line.
Solomon’s Ring and a Person’s Character
The characteristic sign under the index finger indicates an intuition that is well developed in the person concerned. This is not just a good sensitive ability, but an insight with which the person was born. She sees the situation and understands it down to the smallest details. He doesn’t need explanations; he always knows causes and effects. The presence of the circle of wisdom indicates that the person is endowed with a special gift. She knows how to penetrate people; this understanding allows her to manipulate others. The owner of this line is charming and magnetic. He knows how to draw attention to himself or to remain unnoticed if he wishes.
How this line affects a person’s life:
- It bestows it with self-confidence;
- The person has many ambitions and plans that help him achieve his goals;
- The person has good concentration and concentration.
Each character trait that the line provides influences the person’s thinking. A person is able to think logically, assess risks and make measured decisions. These are people capable of reflection, they are never guided by emotions or fear. The more they work on themselves, the easier they manage their own lives.
Psychic abilities
Palmistry describes people gifted with the Ring of Wisdom as natural psychics. They know how to see the internal order of things, can predict events in the near future, see what will inevitably happen.
Such a person has a philosophical attitude of mind. He does not think only about random problems, but also about the consequences of the decisions made. These are strategists: calculating possible future options is easy and natural for them. Thanks to their excellent intuition, such individuals are rarely wrong.
Curiosity, which a person develops from early childhood, is one of the main traits inherent in the owners of the Ring of Solomon. A keen mind and a thirst for new knowledge allow them to study the world from different sides: the owners of this line often get carried away by mysticism, the other world. Such people do not necessarily practice psychics, they can use this knowledge without special training.
The Ring of Solomon is a hereditary sign, so if you find the symbol on your palm, you can be sure that one of your ancestors had a unique gift of witchcraft, healing or was a psychic. A clear, clearly visible symbol may indicate that there were several powerful wizards in the family.
Qualities of Will
Every parable about King Solomon shows the incredible power of this ruler, therefore the interpretations of the line named after him reflect ideas about the best qualities of a person. People with this particular palm sign also exhibit a strong-willed nature. They rarely find themselves in a subordinate position: their innate ambitions do not allow them to engage in routine work without development. The more a person learns, the higher professional heights he achieves.
Solomon’s ring in palmistry is a sign of perfectionism. The person is demanding of himself and others. She has standards she can’t help but adhere to. Solomon’s ring indicates education: if a man or woman does not gain knowledge, does not calm their inquisitive mind, they suffer. Their torments and doubts do not allow them to live and engage in their usual affairs.
Status of a person
Solomon’s ring is a sign of a person’s high status.
No matter if he is born in a poor or rich family, he will find his way to a high position. These are people who cannot sit in one place. They grow, try new areas and radically change their lives. The line below the index finger shows natural leadership qualities. Its owner often occupies a leadership position; thanks to their innate sensitivity, such people know who they can trust and which helpers they should stay away from.
The influence of Solomon’s Ring on destiny
The symbol surrounding the index finger almost completely blocks the flow of energy that should circulate freely through it. This leads to the fact that excessive ambition, ambition and pride make a person a fanatic. Some may go completely into religion, others may find truth in sectarian teachings or even terrorism. Blinded by the feeling of being right, they simply do not notice that they can harm themselves and others, including loved ones.
A person who bears the sign of Solomon is often not used to limiting himself in financial spending, but he simply has no desire to earn money. Many, continuing to philosophize, consider it beneath their dignity. Living a life of luxury beyond means can lead to poverty, misery and a joyless existence.
Interrupting the flow of energy causes a person to fixate on one thing without accepting outside opinions. This position can also be disastrous both professionally and personally.
Palmistry advises the owners of Solomon’s ring not to quarrel, not to say terrible words to other people. Fate has it that their curses often come true and can change the energy of their loved ones, causing negative consequences. It is better to speak only good words to make others blossom and return good with good.
Not everyone can find on their hand the line named after the great king Solomon. Those who have it, however, should remember that having it alone does not make them wizards, rich, or successful politicians. Magical abilities are a gift that develops and improves over the years. It should be handled with care and caution so as not to harm others.
Negative meaning
The sign of wisdom hides a negative meaning in itself. In combination with other character traits, ambitions can bring quite a few problems to the personality.
The birth traits predicted by Solomon’s ptusen are:
- Excessive ambition;
- Selfishness;
- Alienation from the family (denial of the relationship with the family, parents, ancestors);
- Fixation on material values.
To satisfy their whims, the owners of this line are ready for many things: ambitions will push them to spend money, acquire unnecessary attributes that demonstrate wealth. The pursuit of luxury, like an enlarged protective mask, will not allow them to achieve happiness. In these cases, Solomon’s ring acquires its most negative meanings.
Occupations of people with Solomon’s ring
Since one of the qualities of the owners of the sign of Solomon is the desire to be the center of public attention, all activities where there is an opportunity to speak in front of an audience and lead are recommended for them. Politicians, business leaders, artists, orators, having such a sign, necessarily achieve success. They are born enthusiasts, endowed with intelligence and a measured approach to work. Among them there are also good international judges.
Under certain circumstances palmistry calls the ring of Solomon the mark of a good teacher. When the line is joined by the line of the Heart, it is better to deal with psychology. Because to wisdom is added compassion, a desire to participate in the lives of others. An excellent field for such individuals is one of the following areas:
- education
- politics
- religion
- philosophy
With a pronounced line of Apollo, Solomon’s ring becomes a sign of artists. The type of art does not matter, any direction will be a wonderful field for the realization of their talents. Those around them will be enchanted by the mastery and magnetism of their work, recognition will come quite quickly. Their tendency to master foreign languages makes them polyglots. Their sharp memory also contributes to their excellent command of a foreign language.
Line variation
Palmistry characterizes lines of different length and appearance. Perfectly straight lines or rings are rarely found in nature. The distorted shape is an additional signal.
If the ring of Jupiter comes into close contact with the ring of wisdom, one will have many doubts. His ambition is combined with emotionality. The two opposing qualities do not allow for informed decisions. Breaks in the line indicate mistakes that cannot be avoided: it will not be possible to see the danger in time. If the line continues after the break, such an error will only be beneficial.
If the line breaks at the beginning or at the end, a person will be able to find himself in life. Finding the true path will take a long time, but it will bring success. A half-ring, partially covering the ring of Jupiter, speaks of big plans for the implementation of which there is not enough vitality.
On which hand is the ring?
Palm traits may vary. If the left hand describes predetermined events, then on the right palm each line is a sign of a person’s conscious choice. The line of wisdom, located on the left hand, gives strength to the personality. During the formative period, such a sign allows you to build a normal self-esteem. If the sign is on the right hand, such a person can overcome any obstacles. He knows how to achieve his goals. If a person has 2 rings, this is a sign of great luck.
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