Life line
The line of life is the main one in the palm. The main events will be indicated on it. Using the life line, you can first determine its duration.
The line of life starts from the bottom and goes up (according to the Eastern tradition) and from the top down, according to the Western – classical palmistry. You should pay attention to the fork-like branches at the base of the palm. Their presence speaks of the harmonious health given at birth.
To determine health and material well-being, you need to carefully study the branches located on the life line. The meaning of the lines going up speaks of material gain and career success. Lines, but directed downwards, speak of financial losses and business failures.
“Islands” found on the life line indicate health problems, but have nothing to do with injuries. But injuries and fractures, that is, any external impact on the body, appear on the life line in the form of interruptions. A person who has no such interruptions may not fear any calamities.
Palmistry can tell about the state of health not only by the presence of “islands” and breaks in the life line, but also by deciphering the color. More precisely, the color of all lines. If the lines on the palm are different in color, very deep and red, most likely a person should monitor his condition more carefully.
Life expectancy can be calculated using mathematics to the nearest two years. Ten years of life equals approximately one centimeter. But here a correction must be made for the age and gender of the person. The palm of a woman or child is smaller, so you need to visually bring it closer to the size of an adult man’s palm and make adjustments.
Heart line
The heart line or, as it is also called, the love line, can tell a lot about a person. For example, the number of marriages and children. But here you have to look at both hands. Marriages are viewed on the right, children on the left. Or vice versa if one is left-handed.
The number of marriages is determined by the “lines” that branch off from the heart line. And here it is necessary to carefully study not only their number, but also how they look. A fated marriage always comes with a cross. The line will appear crossed out. The absence of such a sign rather indicates a failed marriage.
Similar lines on the left side indicate the number of children. And sometimes even grandchildren. It should be noted that in some people it is possible to calculate the birth of twins. In such cases, the line seems to split in two.
Line of mind
The mind line can tell without any tests what type of thinking a person has. Here it is important to note whether it is in contact with the life line, and if not, then at what distance it is from it.
A distant mind line from the life line speaks of independence and love of freedom. If the lines touch, it shows vigilance and foresight, a person who is used to carefully weighing everything before acting. If the line is significantly removed from the life line, it shows ambition and ambition.
A long mind line indicates intelligence. The longer it is, the smarter a person is. If it crosses almost the entire palm, it means that in front of you is not just an intelligent, but a very insightful person with the gift of foresight, maybe even a psychic.
Line of fate
The line of fate is sometimes called the line of success or talent. In fact, not every person has it and that is why it is called so strange. As a rule, this line is found in people with a creative nature. The ramifications speak of a versatile talent.
The further the line of fate is from the line of life, the more independent the owner of the palm on which it is located. The interruptions that appear on it symbolize sudden changes in interests or even profession.
When evaluating the fate line, you should pay attention to both palms. For versatile creative people, the line of fate may look like a branching tree, but not the leading hand. Similar signs are found in writers, artists and entertainers.