The Fate Line on your Palm: What it Means and How to Read it

It is worth noting that not all people have the line of fate, but its presence or absence can say a lot about the path of life. How do you know what exactly this line says about a particular person?

The most important things about the line of fate:

What exactly is the fate line? It is a vertical line that starts at some point at the base of your palm and continues to the middle finger. To start receiving information about your life, carefully examine your right palm and pay attention to the presence or absence of this line.

The best option is traditionally considered an exact vertical line in the middle of the palm, but for different people the line of fate can be slightly inclined or start not strictly from the center of the base of the palm, but slightly to the right or left.

Deciphering the line of fate

Once you find your fate line, you can begin to decipher its meaning. There may be several options:

If you have a line in a very clear and expressed form, you probably have a strong and exceptional personality that gives you a great chances of success. People with a clear line of faste are capable of achieving success and can very quickly move up the career ladder, but for this they must constantly work and improve themselves. Otherwise, the line effect will not work.

A certain percentage of people working in the field of palmistry are convinced that even an unobvious line of fate or some hint of it can already be considered a reason for a person to have ambitions to achieve their goals. Fate itself is ready to help such people in every possible way and offer tools that move them forward in life and work.

In general, people who have anything even resembling a vertical line are happy. Their minds are clear and their actions and ideas are in harmony with life, they are self-sufficient and capable of making wise decisions.

What does the absence of a fate line mean?

Slightly different scenarios unfolds for people who do not detect the fate line on their palm. The absence of this line can be proof that a person has no life purpose and, accordingly, no happiness. Of course, he can be creative and interested in science, sports, or work, but he will not have a sense of fullness of being.

Often, people without specific goals can succumb to temptation and surrender to the will of fate. That is why people who do not have a line of fate often become susceptible to the influence of various negative addictions. Smoking, drinking—all this is only a small percentage of what such a person can suffer from.

Not everything is so sad, of course. There are exceptions to the rules, and people who have not discovered their fate line can easily achieve success and progress in any field. It is worth considering that fate simply smiles on such people and that a very small percentage of people manage to achieve success thanks to external factors and not through perseverance or hard work.

A person who does not have a fate line on their hand may live an interesting, rich life, but he will never feel the need to achieve success in any particular field. Such a person is like a ship without a captain, carried by the flow first in one direction, then in another, then in a third. The line of fate is often absent in the hands of criminals, social outsiders and people who abuse alcohol and suffer from drug addiction.

Reading the hand of a rich and influential businessman, it was discovered that there was no fate line on his palm. It turned out that he made money by buying and selling anything that could be bought at a low price and then selling it at a profit. Today he can sell computers; next week, clothes, etc. He was successful in his business only because he took advantage of every opportunity to make money, not because he deliberately followed a certain plan.

Decoding the position of the fate line

Let’s carefully study the charts with the main options for the location of the fate line on the palm:

Line of fate starting from the line of life:

With such an arrangement of the line, one has tremendous pressure from relatives. The parents of such a person most likely control his every action. A person is under pressure from those closest to him and his existence is unthinkable without external support.

It indicates that a person was strongly influenced by his family during childhood and adolescence. The following can be said about such a person: at an early age, he was influenced by his family or by some relative who had a significant influence on him, forming the idea of what is good and what is bad, and this idea continues to this day .

The line of fate begins separately from the line of life

This model speaks of an independent personality. A person with such a placement of the fate line is used to existing alone, without relying on anyone or support. He does not care about the opinion of the majority, such a person values freedom of expression, he does not tolerate conventions and prohibitions.

If the line of fate starts closer to the middle of the palm, it shows that a person was independent from a very early age and made his own decisions. It could also mean that his family members were not close to each other or that he grew up in an orphanage or maybe attended a boarding school. The following can be said about a person with such a line of fate: he always, from birth, values his own independence, prefers to do everything his own way and does not tolerate restrictions and control from other people.

The line of fate is at a greater distance from the line of life

If the line of fate begins at a great distance from the line of life, closer to the edge of the palm, independence takes on even greater importance. A person with such a line of fate will most likely devote himself to a profession connected in one way or another with social activities.

People with this placement on the fate line are inclined to charity and dedication. Helping the weak, working as a teacher or firefighter would be an excellent profession, as people with this pattern are meant to help others and make their lives better.

The line of fate starting from the wrist

If the line of fate starts from the wrist, it shows that a person independently chooses what and how he will do and in what direction to move. From a very young age, he decided what profession he would pursue. After finishing school, he will, without hesitation, enter the chosen university. Such people can be considered lucky because there are a huge number of people who, in old age, have not yet managed to understand what their purpose is!

The line of fate expressed in this way is a good sign—a person is very independent but at the same time loves himself and the people around him. He has a number of good qualities and, of course, attracts people to himself. Success awaits him in any chosen field of activity, and the ability to win people over makes him successful on the relationship front. This is a full-fledged person, independent of negativity and the opinions of the majority, capable of competently building his life.

Double line of fate

Such a line shows the multitasking of the individual. The ability to grasp everything on the go, to organize several tasks at once that require intensive work and intellectual investment, which is the key to success in business and household duties. These people are characterized by the ability to always be everywhere and they can cover huge areas of activity.