Do you have a guardian angel line?

There are lines on our hands that indicate the presence of helpers and protectors in life. In palmistry, they are called guardian angel lines and are located under the thumb of your palm.

The deepest and widest enveloping line is the line of life. It is the most important. Guardian angel lines are parallel lines running along the life line on the side of the thumb. There is always one line of life, but there may be several guardian angel lines. It is believed that guardian angels are given to a person only if there are events in his destiny that will require additional strength.

In palmistry, this line is also called the line of Mars or the double line. This line strengthens the line of life and blocks the transverse lines from the hill of Venus. The line of the guardian angel, as a rule, is much thinner than the line of life and starts from the hill of Mars or runs parallel to the line of life on the hill of Venus.

It protects a person from troubles and misfortunes. The owner of such a line feels the support of higher forces and has every chance to get out of difficult life situations without loss. Many people note that this line appears after the death of loved ones, as if one of the relatives who left this world is protecting them.

In general, the line of the guardian angel is found in 30–35% of people, it can appear and disappear over time, stop, and resume its movement again. It gives its owner protection and support from above, bringing luck in good deeds.